
Goals and Objectives

  • 10.2 years of experience in design, development of web based applications and windows applications.
  • Good knowledge of Flex, Flash, Action Script 3.0, Object oriented programming and design patterns.
  • Main Objective is to using my knowledge to Create Innovative Courses and Applications, take up new projects confidently and always move ahead in my career successfully.
  • Proven skills in gathering requirements, providing technical solutions, designing architecture and creating frameworks and authoring templates.
  • Expertise in implementing quality process and creating documents required in software development life cycle.

Technical Skills

Authoring Tools Flex 2.0, Adobe Flash (Action Scripting 3.0), Macromedia Authorware 7.0, Macromedia Director MX (Lingo Scripting)
Programming Languages Action Scripting 3.0. Action Scripting. 2.0, Core Java
Frameworks Cairngorm, Pure MVC, MVC, Paper Vision
Design Patterns Command, Strategy, Single tone, Decorator, Observer, Factory etc.
Operating Systems Windows 9x / NT 4.0 / XP, Knowledge of Macintosh O.S. 9.0 / X / Intel Mac, Linux
Web Technologies HTML, Java Script, XML, CSS - (Familiar with ASP and PHP)
E-Learning standards SCORM 2004, SOCRM 1.2., Accessibility standard section 508

Professional Qualification

Year of Passing Name of the University / Institution Percentage
Advance Diploma in Computer Application. 2000 B.I.I.T. Mumbai Ist class
Bachelors of commerce 1998 Mumbai University IInd class
H.S.C. 1995 Mumbai University IInd class
S.S.C. 1993 Maharashtra Board Ist class

Work Experience

LionBridge Technologies (Since September 2002 – Till Date)
Archisoft Technologies Pvt. Ltd (From February 2001 – September 2002) (From January. 2000 – February 2001)

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